A. Samad Said

1. Collaborative work (10-15 minutes) : Students can break into groups of 5 and discuss the following questions:
(Students are to use both the poem and M. Jackson's Heal the World Lyrics to help them)
What will happen if we continue living in such a polluted environment?
Why should we do something about it?
How can we help reduce pollution?
Students then explore the effects of modernization and be introduced to the fact that we are using/killing a part of nature just by using what we use to sustain our current lifestyle (Paper, Commodities) and also learn about how the effects of what they are doing now will echo into the next generation.
Through this exercise, students can learn to think about their actions and its effects on other countries. They will learn that modernization comes with certain effects and that they can do something to minimise the damage. Students will also be able to understand the theme of modernization/climate change clearer and relate better to this poem.
Teaching Ideas:
2. Collaborative work (15 minutes) : Students can break into groups of 5 and discuss symbols in Songs:
(Refer to the lyrics from these 2 songs: Katy Perry's Firework and David Guetta's Titanium)
Students will be asked about symbols and metaphors. In both of A. Samad Said's poems, Fire in "Clean Bonfire" and the Crow in "The Dead Crow" seem to lead powerful messages just by what they connotate.
Students can be asked about the symbols in both poems and how they symbolize certain things. To guide students along, teachers can ask questions such as, "why firework and not something else?" or "why is it a bonfire and not a spark?" or "why a crow and not a dove?"
Through this exercise, students learn about the importance behind diction. The choice of words by an author is intentional. They can build an understanding of figurative language. Also, they will feel engaged and less intimidated by poems since literary devices (such as metaphors and symbols) are all around them even in songs!
Central Themes in Both Poems:
1. Effects of Modernization
- Physical (Pollution, Infrastructure)
- Psychological (Mindsets = $ / Health)
2. Political Corruption
3. Economic Disparity
Both poems intend to encourage communal change in mindsets over current lifestyle choices and lead the voices against political oppression.