A. Samad Said

A.Samad Said's Poems
The Dead Crow

Image Extracted from: Sabah Education Malaysia
This poem is about pollution and political agendas. A. Samad Said uses this poem to express certain concerns which will be elaborated from the themes below. View an summary of the poem here.
These themes can fall under 2 main categories. Political and Environmental.
Harmful consequences of modernization can be seen from the persona asking to "leave the forest alone" and from the context, Malaysia recently gained indepandence and spent much efforts developing infrastructures during the period of A. Samad Said's writing. Deforestation is the burning down of trees/forest to make land space for developments.
As explored further from the videos below, pollution has been increasing due to the need of clearing land space and consumerism. Modernization is a double edged sword and it is harming our communities through these harmful effects. Understanding Malaysia's economic disparity gap can also take this poem to another level.The poor and rural areas of Malaysia would have even lesser ways and resources ($) to protect themselves from pollution.
Environment pollution can be seen in 2 aspects in the poem. Air pollution can be seen from the "gasping for air...barely able to breathe" and Water pollution from the persona observing a "dead crow in a drain.". It is interesting that the crow is being used here. A crow represents a spirit animal of life's mysteries. The death of it alludes to the death of life and spirit of happiness. A crow is often in the background and not noticed upon, it could represent that poverish people who are blending in with the background and unnoticed. Also, a crow is a very tough bird that can survive in tough environments yet it is dead. This further amplifies the level of pollution.
The Persona goes on to elaborate on the importance of Preservation of nature for future generations through speaking about " want(ing) clean air for my grandchildren... trees to grow... rivers to run free."
Check out the harmful effects of water pollution:
Video taken from Here.
Check out the harmful effects of air pollution:
Video taken from Here.
The style of this poem is free verse and this can represent a lack of structure and go in line with the persona's cry for a pollution free environment.
The poem's 1st Stanza uses a 3rd person narration and then changes to a 1st person perspective in the next stanza. There is also a repetition of "I want" which makes it more personal. The usage of 1st person narration echos in reader's minds as they start to relate through reading the persona's words.
Initially the tone of the poem sounds demanding, "this land is so rich" and the tone seems angry.
It later changes to a softer pleading tone yet still with conviction. This reminds me of a speech such as the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech "I have a dream".
Social and Political Issues:
Socially, the poem is calling for a change in mankind's lifestyle choices. To perhaps place a role to minimise the harmful effects of modernization.
Politically, the persona speak to the politicians and the masses about how the "politicians...plan" and they can play a role in making this world a better one.
Do check out the two websites below to help you along with your understanding of the poem: